Students and teachers are safe at home during the COVID-19 school closure, but learning goes on! Older students are working on-line while younger students have worksheets and crafts to complete. Teachers check in with students each day through phone calls, Zoom meetings, and email. Some of the resources being used are Google Classroom, Khan Academy, Class Dojo, Think Central, and Rocket Math as teachers strive to bring the most useful apps and on-line programs to their students. We even have virtual recess! Students and parents are able to check in with their teachers about the latest assignments and activities to complete. 

New students in grades 1-8 may enroll at this time and commence distance learning in all main subject areas.  All necessary accommodations will be made to successfully integrate new students into their virtual Holy Family classrooms in order to limit any further disruptions to their academic studies.  Our small class sizes allow our teachers to take a hands-on approach with each student, even, and especially, during this period of distance learning.  Call or email today for further information.