
August 6, 2020

Dear Holy Family community,

With God all things are possible!

I was pleased to see the governor’s recommendations yesterday with our safe and responsible reopening for this upcoming fall semester. This past week I’ve been on phone meetings with our Thurston County Department of Health, the Department of Children, Youth and Families (for our school aged child care license), the Washington Federation of Independent Schools, and the Office of Catholic Schools with weekly upcoming updates planned for us. (for latest DoH info click here https://www.doh.wa.gov/Portals/1/Documents/1600/coronavirus/DecisionTree-K12schools.pdf)

What all this means is that we are continuing our plan to open 5 days a week for face to face instruction. Our flexibility in all details, dedication to our mission and consistency in being faithful community-minded Christians is key for the successful opening on September 2 and essential to reduce the spread of this virus. 

After reading my official letter and the HFS Reopening Plan, please fill out the parent survey linked here to record your feedback, questions and comments.


Blessings to All,

Christina Alton, Principal