The first day of school is rapidly approaching- the teachers and staff have been very busy preparing the classrooms in order to safely welcome all of the HFS families back to face-to-face instruction in just over a week.
In years past, we have enjoyed gathering the whole HFS community together for a back-to-school BBQ, but this year things will look a bit different:
Wednesday August 26th 3:00pm via ZOOM
*3:00-3:30 pm Teachers have an Informal Zoom meeting with class (except kindergarten)
*Teachers will send you the link to their Zoom meeting via Alma before 2 p.m. Wednesday August 26th
*Kindergarten families: be sure to check your email for separate Back to School Orientation instructions.
*If any of the new families would like to sign up to meet their teacher or get their child familiar with the classroom, they can sign up directly with their teacher for anytime from 3:30-5 p.m
*For those not able to attend the Zoom Back-to-School Orientation: Teachers will be reaching out to answer questions about the first day of school on September 2nd
We can’t wait to see you all!