Hello families!
Lent is fast approaching! Next Wednesday is our Ash Wednesday prayer service. Lent is one of my favorite church seasons of the year. The Lenten traditions the church encourages really speak to me. I feel very motivated to spend time doing Stations of the Cross, extra Bible study and even truly enjoy picking something that I enjoy to give up. The meatless Friday dinners are always a fun time to try some new meal ideas. I am so excited to share with the students about these traditions this year! Our school does participate in the CRS rice bowl program and your student will bring home a rice bowl box next week. These boxes have a flyer with a lot of information about their programs and meatless meal ideas from around the world. In my family, whatever we give up I will put the money we would have spent on that in the box. If you do want to participate in this program please return the rice bowl after our Easter vacation. This would be the week of April 20, 21st and 22nd. We do accumulate the donations and send them to Catholic Relief Services to help with their worthy causes. This is just a small way that Holy Family students can reach out to the needs of the world. What a wonderful message of Catholic teachings for kids to experience!
Have a blessed start to Lent!
Ms. Thompson