As we enter into the winter season let us reflect on the past ten weeks of school. While continuously educating our students we have also masked up, washed hands, secluded in cohorts, screened at entrance, maintained social distancing, sanitized frequently, isolated with symptoms, maximized class outdoors, kept windows open, given air hugs, focused on keeping healthy, and prayed every day.
This next Winter Quarter we have to renew our commitment to keeping our community healthy. Our WA State Department of Health provides detailed advice on how to do this here especially during the holidays:
Our HFS recommendation is to err on the side of caution, if you have a family gathering and someone refuses to mask up or participate in the other COVID protocols to keep our community healthy, consider self-isolating for a period of time before coming back to school. Our DoH and Thurston County Pathways/Flowcharts do not have a category for people without any symptoms, however, we know that this virus is airborne and when we follow all the safety precautions we minimize the risk.
We are grateful for and trust in our scientists to continue to provide us with guidance on the layers of COVID prevention and ways to stay healthy in general – like getting enough sleep, maintaining cleanliness, eating nutritious foods, getting the Flu vaccine, exercising daily, and drinking plenty of water.
We are grateful for and have faith in our God and our Church to continue to provide us with inspiration, spiritual nourishment and joy through the Sacraments of Mass and Reconciliation and through our daily life of prayer – like reciting the Rosary, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, reading the Bible, Adoration, volunteering our time, tithing our resources, and the ways that develop healthy relationship with God, self and others.
Holy Family Strong 2020 and Beyond!